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01 04
EPC Engineering
Steel Structure
Housing Industrialization
Green Construction
Environment Protection

The company is committed to the integration of professional design and construction technology in many industries, forming a complete set of technology, to provide society with cost-effective general contracting services.

With steel structure engineering as the main body, the company extends to different fields and specialties, providing integrated engineering services of the whole industrial chain, such as scheme planning, design, detailed drawing, processing and production, scheme demonstration, construction organization and post-testing.

Tianjin construction technology co., LTD., as the first batch of  the national level. prefabricated building industry base, chooses the prefabricated structure system suitable for building layout by the way of assembly and the attitude of integration, and USES the complete set of prefabricated construction technology to "manufacture" high-quality buildings.

The concept of "green" construction leads the technological development of the construction industry, and enables buildings with innovative technologies to live a healthy, environmentally friendly, high-quality and efficient life

The company is committed to the R&D and application of construction technology for environmental protection projects such as waste disposal, river channel regulation, soil treatment, and sewage purification, etc., building an assembly-type construction technology industry for environmental protection projects on the platform of multi-specialty integration.

Based on the concept of multi-specialty cross-border integration, it applies the science and technology of industrialization, industrialization and integration to create the specialty and its supporting products applicable to various fields of construction.

Based on the combination of industry, university and research, and the complementary integration of various professional technologies, the research and development of architectural design and construction technologies and construction products are carried out and incubated

Relying on its own information and professional advantages in the field of construction, construction condition and stress analysis technology, BIM technology, construction process simulation technology, the spatial structure and complex structure analysis of construction technology and other professional technology, for owners and construction units to provide decision-making consultation of whole life cycle, the whole industry chain and optimization services.

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  • EPC Engineering
  • Steel Structure
  • Green Construction
  • Housing Industrialization
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  • Techonlogy consulting
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